
This is a comprehensive, living bibliography for Puerto Rican Crested Toads.  Some were used for this website or are available for ongoing Puerto Rican Crested Toad research:


-Barbour, T. A. 1914. A contribution to the zoogeography of the West Indies, with special reference to amphibians and reptiles. Mem. Mus. Comp. Zool. 44:209-358.

-Barbour, T. A. 1917. Notes on the herpetology of the Virgin Islands. Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash. 30:97-104

-Biegler, R. 1966. A survey of recent longevity records for reptiles and amphibians in zoos. In: The International Zoo Yearbook. Vol. 6:487-493.

-Blair, W. F. 1972, Introduction. In: Evolution in the Genus Bufo. University of Texas Press. Pp. 3-7.

-Bloxam, Q.M.C., S.J. Tonge. 1995. Amphibians: Suitable candidates for breeding-release programmes Biodiversity and Conservation. 4(6): 636-644

-Bury, R. B., C. K. Dodd and G. M. Fellers. 1980. Conservation of the amphibian of the United States: a review. Department of the Interior Resource Publication No. 134: Department of the Interior U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.

-CBSG. 2005. Population and Habitat Viability Analysis for the Puerto Rican Crested Toad. Final Report. IUCN/SSC Conservation Breeding Specialist Group: Apple Valley, MN. 93pp.

-Cei, J. M. V. Erspamer and M. Roseghini. 1972. Biogenic amines. In: Evolution in the genus Bufo. Editor: W. F. Blair. University of Texas Press. Pp. 233-242.

-Cope, E. D. 1868. Sixth contribution to the herpetology of tropical America. Proc. Phila. Acad. Science: 305-313.

-Crawshaw, G., B. Johnson, R. Lacy, C. Smith and P. Tolson. 1989. Status of the Puerto Rican crested toad, Peltophryne lemur, an overview. In: International Zoo Yearbook. Vol. 28. Editors: Miller, J. and F. L. Paine.

-Devison, D. 1991. Management program and breeding of the Puerto Rican crested toad at Metro Toronto Zoo. In Proceedings of the Sixteenth American Association of Zoo Keepers Conference, New Orleans, Louisiana. Pp. 53-59.

-Evans, M. and R. Sarmiento. 1982. The Puerto Rican crested toad Bufo lemur (Cope), preliminary proposal for a recovery project. Presentation to the Department of Natural Resources, Puerto Rico.

-Garcia Diaz, J. 1967. Rediscovery of Bufo lemur (Cope) and additional records of reptiles from Puerto Rico. StahIia 10:1-6.

-Goebel, A.1992. Mitochondrial DNA Analysis of the Puerto Rican Crested Toad (Peltaphryne lemur). Unpublished report to the Metropolitan Toronto Zoological Society.

-Grant, C. 1932. Bufo lemur, a rare Puerto Rican toad. J. Dept. Agric., P. R. 16:41-42

-Grant, C. 1932. Herpetology of Tortola: notes on Anegada and Virgin Gorda, British Virgin Islands. J. Dep. Agric. P. Rico. No. 16: 339-346.

-Graybeal A. 1997. Phylogenetic relationships of bufonid frogs and tests of alternate macroevolutionary hypotheses characterizing their radiation, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 119 (3): 297-338 Mar 1997

-Hedges, S. B. 1996. The Origin of West Indian amphibians and reptiles. Pp. 95-128 in R. Powell and R. Henderson Eds., Contributions to the West Indian Herpetology. SSAR, USA.

-Holmes, B., 2000. Temperature selection in the Puerto Rican Crested Toad (Peltophryne lemur). Unpublished manuscript, Brock University, St. Catherines, Ontario, April 2000.

-Izquierdo, I. (1980): Sobre el Bufo lemur (Cope). Carribb. J. Sci. 15: 33-40.

-Johnson, B. 1989. Puerto Rican crested toad, SSP Report. AAZPA Newsletter 1989, no. 12:7-9.

-Johnson, R. R. and F. L. Paine. 1989. The release of captive bred Puerto Rican crested toads: captive management implications and the cactus connection. 1989 AAZPA Regional Conference Proceedings. Pp. 962-967.

-Johnson, R.R. 1990. Release and Translocation Strategies for the Puerto Rican Crested toad, Peltophryne lemur. Endangered Species Update, November 1990. The Univ. of Michigan School of Nat. Resources. Vol. 8, No. 1.

-Johnson, R.R. 1994. Model programs for reproduction and management: ex situ and insitu conservation of toads of the family Bufonidae, p.243-254. In J.B. Murphay, K. Adler, and J.T. Collins (eds.), captive Management and Conservation of Amphibians and Reptiles. Society for the Study of Amphibians and Reptiles, Ithaca (New York). Contributions to Herpetology, Vol. 11

-Johnson, B. 1999. Recovery of the Puerto Rican crested toad. Endangered Species Bulletin, XXIV (3): 8-9.

-Lentini, A. 1992. “Radio Tracking the Puerto Rican Crested Toad (Peltophryne lemur) in Guanica National Forest, Puerto Rico, Proceedings of the 1991 AAZK National Conference, American Association of Zoo Keepers

-Lentini, A. 2000. Puerto Rican Crested Toad (Peltophryne lemur) SSP Husbandry Manual. Keeper and Curator Edition. Toronto Zoo: Scarborough, Ontario. 48pp

-Lentini, A. 2002. “A Case Study: Keeper Involvement In Husbandry and in situ Conservation of a Threatened Amphibian, The Puerto Rican Crested Toad”, Proceedings of the 2001 AAZK National Conference, Susan D. Chan (Ed.), American Association of Zoo Keepers, 2002, ISBN 1-929672-08-X.

-Martin, R. F. 1972. Evidence from osteology. In: Evolution in the genus Bufo. Editor: W. F. Blair. University of Texas Press. Pp. 37-70.

-Miller, T. J. 1985. Husbandry and breeding of the Puerto Rican toad (Peltophryne lemur) with comments on its natural history. Zoo Biology 4: 281-286.

-Moreno, J. A. 1985. Unpublished notes on Peltophryne lemur Cope. Internal document for the Puerto Rico Department of Natural Resources. 6pp.

-Natural Resources, Department of. 1985. Regulation to Govern the Management of Threatened and Endangered Species in the commonwealth of Puerto Rico. San Juan. 34pp.

-Pacheco, Carlos, G. and D. Barber  2013. Peltophryne lemur (Puerto Rican Crested Toad). Refugia and defensive behavior. Herpetological Review. 43(1) 73-75.

-Paine, F. L. 1984. The husbandry, management and reproduction of the Puerto Rican crested toad (Bufo lemur). 8th Annual International Herpetological Symposium on Captive Propagation and Husbandry. Pp. 59-73.

-Paine, F. L., J. Duval. 1984. In search of a rare toad. Animal Kingdom Magazine. Sept. – Oct. No. 5 pp. 33-38.

-Paine, F.L. and J.J. Duval. 1985. The Resurrected Toad. Animal Kingdom Sept./Oct. Pp. 33-38.

-Paine, F. L. 1985. Puerto Rican crested toad. SSP Report. AAZPA Newsletter XXVI, No. 6.

-Paine, F. L. Puerto Rican crested toad, Peltophryne lemur. Species Coordinator’s Report. AAZPA Newsletters 1986-1988; XXVII. No. 12; XXVIII, No. 12; XXIX, No. 12.

-Paine, F.L., J.D. Miller, G. Crawshaw, B. Johnson, R. Lacy, C.F. Smith, III and P.J. Tolson. 1989. Status of the Puerto Rican crested toad. Int. Zoo. Yb. 28: 53-58.

-Peters, W. (1876): Uber eine von Hrn. Viceconsul L. Krug and Dr. J. Gundlach auf del Insel Puertorico gemachte Sammulung von Säugethieren und Amphibien, so wie über die Entwickelung eines Batrachiers Hylodes martinicensis Dum. Bibr., ohne Metamorphose. Mber. Königl. Preuss. Akad. Wiss. Berl. 1876: 703-714.

-Pramuk, J. B. 2002. Combined Evidence and Cladistic relationships of West Indian Toads (Anura: Bufonidae) Herpetological Monographs, 16, 2002, 121–151

-Pramuk, J. B., Carla A. Hass, S. Blair Hedges. 2001. Molecular Phylogeny and Biogeography of the West Indian Toads (Anura: Bufonidae). Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution. Vol. 20, No. 2, Aug., pp. 294-301, 2001

-Pramuk, J. B., 2000. Prenasal bones and snout morphology in West Indian bufonids and the Bufo granulosus species group. Journal of Herpetology. 34(2): 334-340

-Pregill G. 1981. Cranial morphology and the evolution of West-Indian toads (Salientia, Bufonidae) – resurrection of the genus Peltophryne Fitzinger. Copeia (2): 273-285 1981

-Pregill, G. 1981. Late Pleistocene herpetofauna from Puerto Rico. Misc. Publ. Univ. Kansas Mus. Nat. Hist. p. 71

-Pregill, G. 1982. A comment on the systematics of west Indian toads (Bufonidae: Peltophryne). Copeia. 1982: 241-242.

-Riley, J., J. Self. 1982. Amphibians As Definitive Hosts For Pentastomids Raillietiella-Bufonis New-Species From Bufo-Lemur In Puerto-Rico And A Reassessment Of Raillietiella-Indica Systematic Parasitology, 1982, 4, 3, 279

-Rivero, J. A. 1978. Los Anfibios y Reptiles de Puerto Rico. Rio Padras: UPR Press.

-Rivero, J. A., H. Mayorga, El Estremera, and I. Izquierdo. 1980. Sobre el Bufo lemur (Cope). Carib. J. Sci. 15:33-40.

-Rivero, J.A., Mayorga, H., Estremera, El and I. Izquierdo. 1980. Sobre el Bufo lemur (Cope). Carib. J. Sci. 15: 33-40.

-Schmidt, K. P. 1928. Amphibians and land reptiles of Porto Rico, with a list of those reported from the Virgin Islands. N. Y. Acad. Sci. Scient. Survey P. R. and V. I. 10:1-160.

-Schwartz, A. and R. A. Thomas. 1975. A checklist of West Indian amphibians and reptiles. Carnegie Museum of Natural History (Special Publ. 1).

-Schwartz, A., R. Thomas and L. Ober. 1978. First supplement to checklist of West Indian amphibians and reptiles. Ibid 5.

-Schwartz, A. and R. W. Henderson. 1985. A guide to the identification of the amphibians and reptiles of the West Indies exclusive to Hispaniola. Milwaukee Public Museum.

-Schwartz, A. And R. W. Henderson. 1991 Amphibians and reptiles of the West Indies: Descriptions, Distributions, and Natural history. Univ. Florida Press, Gainesville.

-Stahl, A. 1882. Fauna de Puerto Rico. Classification sitematica de los animals que corresponden a esta fauna y catalogo del gabinete zoologico de Dr. A. Stahl en Bayamon. Imprenta del Boletin Mercantil 8.

-Stebbins, R.C., N.W. Cohen. 1995. A natural history of amphibians. Princeton University Press, New Jersey, 1995.

-Stejneger, L. . The Herpetology of Puerto Rico. Report U.S. Nat. Mus. 1904; 1902: 549-724.

-Tihen, J. A. 1972. The fossil record. In: Evolution in the Genus Bufo. Pp. 8-13. University of Texas Press.

-Tihen, J. A. 1962. Osteological observations on new world Bufo. American Midland Naturalist 67:157-183.

-Trueb L. 1971. Phylogenetic relationships of certain Neotropical toads with the description of a new genus (Anura: Bufonidae). Contrib. Sci. LACM: 216

-U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. 1992. Recovery Plan for the Puerto Rican Crested Toad (Peltophryne lemur). Atlanta, Georgia. 19 pp.

-Valdes, E., A. Owen, G. Crawshaw, A. Lentini, and L. Lambrakis. 1999. The Effect of Diet on Growth and Development of Puerto Rican Crested Toad (Peltophryne lemur) Tadpoles. Proceedings of the Third Conference of the Nutrition Advisory Group (NAG) of the American Zoo and Aquarium Association (AZA) on Zoo and Wildlife Nutrition.